ScammerList, the end

Since 2005 we had a list of women at this website who are swindling men out of money via Internet. Our list was one of the biggest among other ones. We had hundreds of individual women as well as dozens of criminal groups which were working in different cities of Russia, Ukraine and Nigeria.

We helped thousands of men having saved more than 10 million euros for them.

Unfortunately, since 2005 the legislation on placing private information in Internet has changed significantly, so in 2015 we took a decision to close this website not to breach legislation of some countries important for us.

Yes, since February 24, 2015 is closing, but we will continue working in the sphere of safe Internet dating. Our website

is by far the best site for meeting Russian and Ukrainian women.

Also I can consult you personally if you have doubts if you are communicating with a scammer or not. You need to send me a letter ( with explanation of the situation.

Here is a short info for free for you to understand whether you are communicating with a scammer.

1. If you receive a letter out of the blue, i.e. you have not given your email address exactly to this girl to any dating website it means that this user is a scammer. Normal women never write to random email addresses and do not buy email addresses from spammers.
2. If you receive an email address from a user at a dating website and begin correspondence, check after several days if her profile is still active on that site. Scammers are often detected within 1-2 days after registration and they get deleted.
3. If a woman wrote to you as it was written on the dating site from your country, but later she appears to be from Russia, Ukraine, Nigeria then yes, it is a scam. Yes, “women” can have different explanations why they registered from another country, but mostly those are excuses. The biggest scamming centers in Yoshkar-Ola and Cheboksary are operating like that. They have to write it as they usually use stolen cards at these websites. As it is easier to steal a card from the USA they write in their profiles that they are from the USA or some other European country.
4. Be careful if a woman decided to visit you after several days of communication, if she is writing that she is already in Moscow and trying to buy tickets – this is a scam (Moscow scammer group).
5. Do not send money for buying tickets as all tickets can be bought online and you can send online-tickets to the user. If the woman does not agree to this it means scam. There are no such contracts with an agency when somebody is obliged to buy tickets in this agency, it is scamming.
6. There is no requirement to show cash money at the customs. Customs deals only with the import of prohibited things. Only the embassy of the country where a tourist is heading can ask for the proof of his/her solvency, i.e. printout of his bank account or reference from work. If there is already a visa on the hands, no money is required anywhere, only tickets for travelling.
7. Sometimes the scenario is different: women do not ask for money for tickets or visa, allegedly they are coming to you at their own expense, but they are bringing some rare, old or expensive thing as a gift with them, customs stops them and wants money for it. Do not believe it, this is also scam. Nobody would bring some very rare or expensive present for a first meeting.
8. When you receive a letter with notification about a will of a late person whose name you hear for the first time, winning in lottery that you never participated in, request to help load money to the account of a stranger or export-import gold for a reward – this is Nigerian scam.
9. Sometimes you start communicating with a woman, she has beautiful model like photos and she writes you wonderful long messages in good English. After several messages it appears that she does not speak English, all this time she went to a dating agency who helped her to translate her letters, but now she does not have money to pay for translation and you need to send money to this agency in order to keep communicating with her. Do not believe it, this is a translation scam scenario. Photos of the woman might be probably stolen from some model and anyway it is not the letters from any women, it is that translating agency managers’ work.

A new variety of travel and visa scam in Ukraine.

When checking letters that men send me for checking to verify if the lady they are communicating with is a scammer or not, the last two-three months I meet a new variety of travel and visa scam in Ukraine.

It seems that a new scammer group emerged in Ukraine that took a visa and travel scenario that is mostly adopted by Yoshkar-Ola (Mari-El, Kirov) scammers, but bring some additions to it. These additions often mislead men. In general, the scenario is the same. A beautiful Ukrainian woman meets a man on a dating site and begins quickly correspond with him. She quickly fall in love with him. BUT she answers his questions and her letters are rather flexible, not standard like Yoshkar-Ola scammers. The only dangerous sign is the quickness with which she falls in love with a man, and begins to tell all her friends and parents about her “love”. This type of scammers also sends a lot of pictures with all her letters. She also chooses men from 5 years senior to 35 years senior and tells that the age difference is ok for her. Interesting thing that could be noticed recently: many “girls” tell men that they live rather poor, do not have money for mobile or for new clothes, but in the picture you see new and new clothes on them. Usually they have standard part in the letter and the part where they answer questions. They often refused to give a telephone (explaining that it is too expensive for them though it costs much less than any clothes on them in the pictures), they also do not have mobiles. I have met cases when a ” girl” do have given her telephone to a man but with an interesting story that it is her work phone. So a man should phone there, give a code and only after that he was connected to the girl. The code was very big (something like 16535) and her explanation that it is the number of the room where she is sitting was rather poor. I can’t imagine such big building and organization with only one secretary in not big Ukrainian city. In reality, it is the code of the man, so that a “girl” knows how to call him and at what stage they are. After some time they also begin to talk about coming to the man for a visit. And later ask for money for a visa and passport and tickets.

So do not be taken in by this scam. If all other signs are here but the girl answers some questions, do not be taken in. She is a scammer. If you doubt, send me the data for checking.

Sites full of scammers-

When checking the communication with Russian ladies that men send me, I ask men where they found their lady, and who made the first move. This site is often mentioned. Interesting that some men (some men become friends of my scammerlist site and they come to the site on a regular basis with new and new scammers ) call it a heaven for scammers or a scammers center.

The site owners are not scammers. But the scammers just liked this site and as the site members are obviously not checked before activating, they run free on this site. If you look at it, you will find many many scammers there. It is especially liked by scammers from Kazan scammer group.

Strategy how to avoid scammers (mistakes men do resulting into running into scammers)

I have looked through my dating site now and again this sad picture. From each 10 new men who registered on the site, only one has written a first letter to women or sent winks or postcards or other signs of attention. The other 9 men have registered and are waiting for women to send them a letter. Very probably they will receive several winks but very few letters and delete themselves from the site eventually. They will or have registered to several other sites, like datemefree or anastasia net. In the first site they will have many letters from girls-scammers, and they will need about 3-5 months to realize it and after that they can leave Russian dating forever with the thought that all Russian women are scammers; on the second they will be written extensively by the agencies, spend a lot of money, come to meet a girl in person, and realize that it is a fake and leave this sphere also or will look again but in some time, probably on the same site, burn again, wait, and look again on the same site with the same strategy.

First thing is right strategy! Many men in Western countries and USA employ a strategy – not to be active themselves, but just sit and wait. The strategy works good with Western women, but it fails with Russian women. Why have the men come to the site with Russian women? Many of them are tired of feminization, they want stability in their family, they want women with traditional family values. Then why to expect from Russian women the same feminization approach? Russian women want men to pay attention to them, to show initiative, to be the first to begin contact. This is a first step to avoid scammers. Be active yourself! No wait and see attitude.

Second is right criteria when you search for a woman. Yes, there are women who want a man much older than them. But they are not many and it is a special type of women who want to be a loved “daughter” of a prosperous and successful man. They have not received love and attention from their father and try to fill in this gape now. But most Russian women look favorably at the age difference in 10 years, can tolerate a difference of 15 years and do not want men older than 20 years than them. Young girls up to 23 usually prefer young men also (most even less than 10 years, some up to 40). Put right criteria for your search and you have less chance to run into scammers.

Third thing is photos. I have several models on the site and they bring model photos to the site, but they are from Moscow or Kiev or St-Petersburg. The light, the background, clothes are professional. But when a woman from a small city Urupinsk or something like that places on a site a photo in a fashionable clothes, super make up, professional light and background, think where she could take such pictures. When the photos are made not professionally it does not guarantee also that the woman is not a scammer. But super photos, especially of playboy type certainly make scam more probable.

Fourth thing is the site where you are looking. Go to google and type there the name of the site (not exactly the url but the title, Ukraine club, datemefree) and the word scammer and see what you will see in the search. If there are many scammers who were met on these site it is doubtful that it is wise to register there, only if you are a hunter on scammers. Free sites rarely can provide a good checking service and that’s why a lot of scammers running there. Sites that sell emails have also problems with identifying scammers. Sites that take payment for each letter sent and “translated” to and from a man very often are scam sites themselves. Subscription sites are much more safe in this. And do not believe a site where as soon as you register you immediately get tons of letters from beautiful Russian girls, it is very probably scam also. Either these girls do not suspect about this activity of the agency at all or they are not real.

It is easy to find a honest Russian girl and marry her and live happily but

Be active

Be wise in your search criteria

Register to sites where girls are checked on a regular basis and not when somebody suffered

Think. You can be in love, but if you see that logically everything is wrong, then check, analyze

And consult the professionals if you have doubts!

Lies, that scammers like to tell about Russia

Seven years ago I made several International dating sites and first when there were few users there, I have not realized the danger that scammer brought. It was a hard work bringing little money. A big scammer group from Kazan already was active that time (after that they were arrested and put to prison twice, but … a month or two and another scammers group is active there again). Then a first person was registered from there, and only after she began scamming some of my users I realized the danger my users were under. I deleted her and warned all the users, but it was late, one user has already sent money. That day at night I wrote my first article that was later placed on about scammers. It was a shock to me and that day the article was just written within an hour. In some time we have to do some changes to the engine of the site so that it would be easier to recognize scammers. Since then there were 5 more changes implemented (that helps to make personal expertise on reality of girls). Some scammers manage to filter through but more than 95 percent are stopped. About a year ago I answered many letters from men who wrote with questions about a girl they are communicating with. Then decided to publish this communication (not all, as there are cases when girls are honest and I do not want to publish their letters there, they can see and get angry at men) on the site. When checking I search not only for signs of scammers, but also lies about Russia and their life here.

The most often met lie is about the salary of people in Russia. Let’s see. I have salary of 100 -150usd.” The most often professions that scammers often write that they have are nurses, doctors, teachers, fitness instructor. The salaries of this profession depends on the region where this person works. Let’s take Kazan, a scammers center. The average salary of nurses there is 12 000 roubles (460 usd) and the doctors have from 12 000 -15000 roubles (in hospitals less) (460 usd – 570 usd). But in Moscow it is less – a salary is about 9 000 roubles (350 usd) The salary of a fitness instructor is from 300 usd (starting salary). The salary of a teacher depends on the region also – but usually it is small. In Moscow the salary of a teacher is 9000 roubles (350 usd), in Kazan it can be 6000 roubles and more (220 usd and more). (that’s why there is a shortage of teachers and nurses everywhere. People who want better money go to other professions, even if they have these educations. Many nurses become beauty consultant, it pays much more, many teachers go to secretaries (from 300 usd and can be much more), sales manager (salary depends on result and can be very high, from 300 usd).

“It is difficult to find a work. I do not work for several months. In most cities it is difficult to find an employee. Yes, it is difficult to find work in small villages, but they usually go to work to nearest cities and work there and return back in the evening. It is not difficult to find the work here, yes, it can take some time, as people want to find the best, and so want some time to choose, but it is not a problem. On many professions there is a big shortage.

The next lie is a telephone problem. “I do not have a telephone. As most Russians I do not have a telephone at home ”. Most people have telephones at home, and even more people have mobiles. Even children at school go there with mobile telephones and old women and men also go with them. It is easy, it is cheap, and it is comfortable. I can’t imagine a young woman or a young girl who does not have any means to contact her. There are much more mobiles telephones in Russia than people. If a Russian women tells you that she does not have a telephone number (not stationary, not mobile) it is mildly speaking, is strange, and in 99 percent of cases it is a scam.

The next lie is health system in Russia. Women ask men for the money for operation or for hospital or go to a dentist. Let’s look at health system in Russia. All Russian citizens have state health insurance. With this insurance they can for free visit doctors, call emergency, be in a hospital, have operations (not cosmetology) needed for their health. They can also visit a dentist, but the state dentists use such fillings for teeth that people prefer not to go to them. People in Russia do not need money for this! Yes, some additional expenses can be needed in these cases- some medicine, and many people prefer to buy a separate private bedrooms in hospitals (it can cost from 5 usd to 30 usd a day). And the food in hospitals often is not good and so relatives and friends come and bring some additional (tasty food ) for people that lie in hospitals. But no money is needed for the operations – for example, on heart! No money is needed for being in hospital with any diseases. No doctor can phone to a Western man and tell him that his girlfriend needs money on this or that. The girl can ask money for a dentist. The filling of a tooth (with good materials) can be from 40 usd to 100 usd (it can be of course much, there are clinics for rich people, where 3 people runs around a client, one holds a hand of a client, another does the work, the third makes assistance, but really if it is needed? In the first case the help will be adequate and good. )

Why do the Russian scammers exist? Are all Russian women after money?

The iron curtain was raised in the 90 th and Russian girls become popular. They differed from Western women, from American women.

Some of these differences are just myths, some are quite real.

When Perestroyka has just begun, it seemed that to live in Russia is very dangerous and unstable. You never knew what would happen tomorrow.

People rushed to leave the country. You live one time in your life and nobody wants to have hungry life with unstable future.

It was not easy to leave Russia. The most easy it was for Russian beautiful girls. Russian women have and had highest priority of family values before career and work, they wanted to have good quiet family life. In Russia women are used to take good care of themselves – be slim, wear mini skirt, do make-up regularly, be feminine and loyal.

Life in Europe and USA seemed a paradise- prosperous, happy, and stable. Many beautiful girls sought for a husband abroad. Some were looking there for love, some were looking just for a way to escape Russia. The last type of girls did not choose, they just agreed to marry almost any man who wanted to marry them. And people are different! They could marry a man 30-40 years older than them. And they just did not look at their future husband as a man with whom they are going to live. Several years later Russian television was full of moaning and complains of these women. They blamed all American and Western men, they warned other Russian girls not to marry them (interesting that in spite of this most of them did not leave their new country and returned to Russia to live).

But the life in Russia has changed and is changing. There are many very expensive cars that you can see in the streets. There are many people that go to rest in resorts of Spain, Jamaika, other places. People in Russia can buy expensive clothes from famous clothes designer.

If a girl wants to sell herself as expensively as possible and it does not matter to whom, she can do it easily in Russia. When I go by car in the streets of St-Petersburg and see an expensive and rare car, I can say almost for sure that it is driven by a beautiful blonde. These women can find rich boyfriends (usually not husbands) here, especially in big cities, that give them cars, expensive clothes and holidays in expensive resorts.

Most girls that come to the agency are not looking for the richest buyer. They want to find love, and it does not matter for them where. They want to make their chances higher and so apply for international marriage agency. If they find love in Russia, they will marry here, if they find love in USA, then they will move to their husband.

For some girls it matters where they find a husband. They do not want a Russian husband- they think that in Russia men make worse fathers, and less loyal husbands than abroad. They have their right to look for husband outside Russia.

As I say these girls do not look for a way out of Russia, they look for a partner for friendship, sex. support, mutual fidelity and they prefer men less than 10 years older than them(the usual age difference for partners in Russia)..

But some men wants to believe in fairy tales.They think that Russia is so big and sure there is a blond beauty there who is looking for a man just like them. And some marriage agencies with Russian girls and scammer-artists use this myth to get profit. Marriage agencies write on their pages that the big age difference is welcomed by Russian women. some even omit this information in the girls’ questionnaires.

We have sites with Russian dating and dating site for disabled people. On the first type fo site Russian scammers register in big numbers, on the sites for disabled Nigerian scammers- men and women register in big numbers. We do not obviously activate their profiles, we have our means to recognize them. Interesting that they have one trait in common. Women usually are 23-30 yo, young, beautiful, wishing to find a partner up to 60 (65). They write eloquently that they are looking just for love, honesty and faithfulness and it does not matter anything else. And men are caught! (Fortunately, only till the time when she will ask for money to come to him, or for money to help her to get out of her problems).

Many men imagine that it is real Russian girls who do it, they do not think about their future, but maybe they will and will change in future.

No, nothing like that. Very often it is companies, where people are taken to work (and salary there are rather big, especially for places far from Moscow and St-Petersburg. It is a shift work, where some people write letters, others talk on the phone, if needed, others take money by Western Union.

They prefer sites like match, yahoo, american singles where they can pay by fraudulent credit card, send as many letters as possible with their emails before they are blocked and work on the men who answered them unhurriedly. Men on these sites know less about Russian scammers, they are easier to work with. But of course, they also register to different Russian dating sites.

But they are not plenty, they have just many names, many faces, many emails, many different sets of pictures.

Other Russian girls work, scammer-artists work on the sites, they do not have any other work. Russian girls choose, they do not agree to any man, it does not matter for scammer-artists n ot the age, not the nationality of their supposed victim. Only one thing is important if they will be able to make him send them money. Russian women can put not very good pictures, scammer-artists put only the pictures that gather the most number of men (either model pictures of Russian beautiful girls (singers, models and so on) or not professional photos of innocent blondes, the pictures becoming more and more sexy with time. Russian girls do not have a habit to fall in love on the second-third letter and tell about love and honesty all the time. Scammer artists do have such thing in common (it works in the best way with men who are tired from loneliness)

Yes, there are fairy tales in life and you can fall in love with Russian girl who will also fall in love with you. But do not full yourself. Look for beauty in the face, in her eyes, see what she can be, do not follow only girls with model pictures. In life they can be the same as the girls with non professional photos, who look less glamorous on the site but who are more real and open for relationship.

What are scammers’ centers?

When activating women on my International dating sites (for women activating their profiles is free, but first I do the checking so that do not allow scammers to the site ) and working with checking women whose correspondence and information men send me for checking I meet often with 3 scammers group. They have different “handwriting”, different type of photos they use, different style of letters ( and on my dating site I see from their ip addresses that they are from this or that scammer group. )

The three scammers center that I meet (Moscow scammer group for the last 4-5 months almost stopped working), their scenarios, the pictures they use:

The biggest group is in Kazan. (Youshkar-Ola). This group mostly uses passport, visa and ticket scam. This group is well organized and as they use false credit cards, they often register to different western dating sites, like yahoo, American singles, match com, they pay from false credit card, usually write in their profile that they are from USA (as these sites are afraid of chargeback, they will block a user who pay from American credit card but is from Russia, so they have register as being from USA and go to these sites from American anonimizers (servers that hide the true ip of a person who use them, very often it is used by Nigerian or Russian scammers). ). Then these “girls” tell that there was a mistake and really they are from Russia. They quickly (on the first or second letter) give their personal email and begin to “work” on a victim there. As this group is well- organized – leaders hire other people just to do their work, some men register on different sites, others write a first letter to potential victims, other send standard letters to those who wrote to the “personal email” of one of “baits”. Those who write standard letters to men do not read the letters mostly or just look through them, they send standard letters (and they need to send more than 30 such letters a day) with an attached photo or two. The baits have real prototype but it does not know anything about this activity. This group took the passport data from this real prototype (but photos are taken from other girls, or just from Russian magazines), and when the time comes, a request is sent to send money to this prototype. Then this prototype goes to Western union, takes the money there and gives it to her employer (she has some salary). This group has about 200 or more people in their group, and they work in 3 shifts, and really many men are their victims. They often use many many photos, not model type, but of standard Russian girls, “My girlfriend and I”, “My mother and I”, “My work”, “Me this”, “Me that”. When needed they tell that they are from close cities (Naberezhnie Chelny, Kirov, Mari-El) and special female couriers (usually students) go to Western union offices to claim money when needed (they received 5 usd for each such money order).

The second big group (from 2006) is Luhansk’s scammer group (but in their profiles they can write that they are from other Ukrainian cities also). They use agency translation scam. They post model photos to different dating sites (models mostly taken from Playboy and similar). Then in a letter or two they send a request to pay for translation of letters to an agency. Very often nude or semi-nude pictures are sent for enticing. It is useless to say that of course there are no such girls in Ukraine and all the scheme is created just to take money from credulous men. If a man comes to the city to meet his lady, then he is met by a completely different from a picture girl that is not interested in him but wants him to spend and spend money on her.

The third active group is in Moscow. They register as girls from different cities. Very often they employ mass email spamming (when men gets a letter to their mailbox that claims that the “girl” got their email at some dating site and now write to him, even if he never was registered at any dating site). This group often prefers active policy. Very soon after the beginning of communication a girl goes to Moscow to get a visa and ticket to “her beloved” and there discovers that her money has gone. She sits there at the airport, she did not expect that the prices for hotel here are so high and did not expect that tickets are so expensive and she only hopes for her “white knight” to send her money to finish her trip. Very often the money are offered to send to a person living in Moscow (!) or to a bank account of one man, who is a “travel agent”/

These are the main scammers ‘centers at present. Individual scammers go from other cities, but they are less active and they easily got to scammers list and have problems with further scamming.

Visa and travel scenarios

When doing free checking of correspondence with Russian women men sent to me for checking I meet visa and travel scenario in 90 percent of all cases of scamming Why? First of all, it is a thing that most men will likely to get fallen into. Wow! Who will refuse a possibility to meet a beautiful young girl in his town, spend with her a month or two to see if they are compatible? Scammers usually draw a very bright perspective, they talk in length what they will together do and other things. Who can refuse a bright festival of love? This scenario also allows asking for rather large sum of money. This scenario also opens a perspective of asking for more and more sum of money. Many scammers group use this scenario and when it is successful, they invent some things further ещ suck money from a victim. In many cases it is illness: an example 2 months ago- a girl from Yoshkar-Ola (a scammer group in Yoshkar-Ola) told to her victim that she couldn’t come to him to USA (after he sent her money) because she had to do an urgent heart operation and it costed 40 000 usd for her, all her money had gone there but it was only 2 000 usd. He sent this money (this operations in Russia are free for citizens of Russia), she had to think of another reason to ask money and she found it- this time she was in prison and her lawyer phoned to the man and told him that she needed money to get free from prison, and then she will be able to go to him to USA. Interesting, what would have been the next reason? But then he came to my site and asked the advice. He felt that there was something wrong, can’t a person who is just from a prison go to another country. It was a shock for him – he lost 40 000 usd to this scammer.

Ok, how then the scenario works? The beginning was standard in all cases: a man is contacted on a free site (where there are no strict supervision and checking), or on yahoo, American singles , or he buys the email of a beautiful Russia model (of 25-29 yo looking for a man up to 60 J) and the communication begins. It can be also just spam emailing to his mailbox (I am a beautiful girl and I am bored today…… etc) Also it can be an email address a man buys in a Russian dating agency, if they do not have checking system, they can’t check what their girls do and sell, sell , sell one and the same address many times, providing a scammer with new victims. If he is contacted on a site then he is quickly given “her” personal email (on sites where everybody should pay, they pay from false credit cards and so have only limited number of time). Then the sites that sell the address are ideal for scammers – if the photos are good, they quickly have many men writing to them –a lot of possibility for scam. “These girls” send standard letters, they ask many questions, but in reply just say how they love everything without referring to a man’s words or to his country or other details that he write about. Some scammers (even in one group) use a quick method and in 3-7 letters they are in love and want to come to a man to meet in person. Then in several other letters they describe their visit to a travel agency and then a request for money is coming. Some scammers employ a slow method- a request for money come in one and a half or two months or even more. When a request is done they can ask for a telephone number and phone to the man for several minutes or ask him to phone at the appointed time to “her girlfriend”’s mobile (they need an appointed time so that to know what is the name of the person how is calling).

Money is asked to send sometimes to the name of “the girl”, sometimes to the “travel agency”, rather rarely to her girlfriend’s name. I have met the cases when men could not send money to a woman because she was blocked by Western union, but then the woman sent him another name to send the money and the man sent.

The main thing that men should know to avoid this:

  1. Better come to Russia and meet your lady if you like her. You won’t only see that she is real, but you will spend some time with her and see if you are compatible and need to go further.
  2. Russian women can’t come to USA by tourist or by visit visa. No agency in Russia makes such visas. If you are told that some agency is going to make it – it is a fake.
  3. This 2007 year the problem for many Russian women to go to other European countires also. UK visa is a problem and it is given only when a person had a shengen visa and there were no problems. France and some other countries also refuse visa application of many women.
  4. If you want to buy a ticket for airplane for your lady, do not send her money. You can always buy a ticket with your credit card, and send her information where to take it (you just need to know her passport data for this purchase). She won’t have possibility to return the ticket and have money. If she refuses this scheme, think why.

With all this madness about scammers, I have more and more men on my dating site that write to women. I will be glad if you come here to meet me, but you need to find money yourself and do everything yourself, I won’t do that. They mostly write it in the first or second letter. Strange- but women disappear after that- that brings them to the conclusion that all women on the site are scammers. Wrong!

Real women understand that:

1. It is impossible to get visa to USA and stop writing when they meet a man’s requirements to come to them to USA on their own. It is like someone writes to you, I will be happy to meet you but please come to me to the Moon, I will be waiting for you in a crater Copernicus, find money and possibility yourself. What will you do? – right. Decide that the person is not at home.

2. If it is possible for them to come to Shengen zone (for example, France), they can come, but they do not know if the meeting will bring them to something serious, they do not know if they will be liked by a man, or they like the man, they know nothing and for them it is more serious sum of money than for a man. I meet the situation even when men write to their ladies, yes, I want to come, but I need first to save the money for the trip and tickets. But the salary of men is much higher. Average salary of a Western man is 50000 usd a year, Russian women- 4800 usd a year, Tickets cost the same in Russia or abroad (usually in Russia they are more expensive, as we do not have here such possibilities and discounts as in Western world). But a woman needs to live on something, to pay for her apartment, to eat and so on. For her it is a considerable sum of money. I have met several times when men told women that they would pay her expenses when she came there, but … they did not like the woman, and she had to return back soon, and no compensation followed. After that I doubt, these women will repeat this.

The best way is to come to Russia and meet your lady here – no scam. I am often contacted by men who ask if it is safe to come to Russia and won’t they be scammed here.
The best advice is

1. Avoid different unpleasanties, misunderstanding and other order a hotel room or an apartment yourself. If a girl says to you that she has found a great apartment for you and very cheap, go to Internet , type there rent apartment in …. (the city) and look if you can find there an apartment yourself. There are places where you can do it, and better doing it yourself.

2. If a girl wants to meet you not in her city but in other Russian city , find a person you trust and ask him to buy tickets for her, so that she needed just to come to the airport and fetch them (or if you meet in Turkey or other country) do it yourself, order her tickets and let her fetch them there.

3. Try to make a personal contact – phone to her before your visit.

4. Do not have big money on you, better keep them on your credit card. If she brings you to the shop and asks to buy something very expensive, explain that you do not have money with you now and need to talk with your bank. It will give you time to think if you want this and refuse if you do not want and see her reaction.

Who are the scammers?

On a large scale when answering this question I can say that scammers are dating cheaters, they are looking for money. They register on the site not with a goal of finding a partner, but with a goal of finding victims to steal their money. I have to have a full time worker to activate women to check women who register on the site. About one fifth of women do not pass through. But I want to write here about who are scammers in real life, who are really those who cheat many men.

This question is one of the most that interest men who were victims of scammers. What is most shocking that even after being scammed they often hope that this beautiful girl that scammed them can stop having her life of deceit and will change and connect their life with them.

Who are Russian and Ukrainian scammers?

In most cases they are a criminal group. No, do not understand that there are many such groups. They are few, but they are well organized and good and hard working. There are several of them , the biggest one is in Kazan (Youshkar-Ola). This group is well organized and as they use false credit cards, they often register to different western dating sites, like yahoo, American singles, match com, they pay from false credit card, usually write in their profile that they are from USA (as these sites are afraid of chargeback, they will block a user who pay from American credit card but is from Russia, so they have register also from USA and go to these sites from American anonimizers (servers that hide a true ip of a person who use them, very often it is used by Nigerian or Russian scammers). ). Then these “girls” tell that there was a mistake and really they are from Russia. They quickly (on the first or second letter) give their personal email and begin to “work” on a victim there. This criminal group consists mostly from men, women there are just couriers who collect money at western union office (with their passports). A small group of women also works on phoning to men from mobile and talking for a short period of time. So actually Western men communicate with men who work there (but it is not men who create a letter, they just send pre-written letters to send).

A group in Lugansk was on the rise of scamming twice, several years ago and this year. This is just an agency (agencies) that wants to have money, they place women’s profiles everywhere (use false names, pictures of models from penthouse, playboy, or less famous models), and then quickly asks for money for translation. If a man pays he has letters from this agency and a heap of photos (sometimes semi-nude or nude). Obviously he does not have a result. If a man just comes to Lugansk and wants to meet “his woman”, he has a meeting – but with a woman completely different from that in the pictures. This woman spends some time with him, shows the city, but she does not want anything serious and she wants him to send her money for different gifts and again and certainly more translation made by “their translation agency” .

If a scammer is individual and not a group, then it is often a man, who “works” in this business, he communicates from a woman’s name, and then when he needs to receive money, either introduces himself as a manager in a tour company and asks to send money to himself or ask his acquaintances or relatives (mother, sister) to receive money.

There is also rather a large group of women on scammer lists that are real, they have these names that is written in scammer lists (they try although later change them, but then have a problem to receive money from Western union), and they have these pictures (of course, they can change them but basically the same woman is seen there). In some cases they just begun scamming, they were placed to several scam lists (by one or several cheated men) and it is difficult for them to do it anymore (In this case they register sometimes by different names, and then ask men to send money to “their friend” but if a man is clever enouph to check this friend in scammer lists he again finds this woman in scammer list and can refuse to send money). There is a very thin layer of ladies who were put to scammer lists by revenge. When something broke and the relationship with a man came to an end, some men want to make a revenge on the woman. Scam lists ask men to prove that he tells the truth, but not all, and in some cases it is possible to forge. I personally was applied to take women from my scammerlist 15 times (on 8 July 2007). In 8 cases it was a clever forge (scammers apply from a man’s name to take them off the list as these men . And 3 of them I took off the scammer list. In other cases men asked to take their girlfriends from there. I took off only one woman, in other cases we came to the conclusion with the men that they were scammed also. Who are these women? They are users. There are users in each country and in each nationality, among women and among men. They just found a good way for them here to have money. They rarely ask for money for visa and travel. They really do not need relationship with men, they do not receive anything from these relationship. They think that they give a man something (their attention or rise to his self-esteem) by communicating with him and they are sure that they are justified to have something in return from men. They were too pampered from childhood and they are not used to take responsibility.

Do you want such wife? I doubt.

Signs of being scammed

Be wary. Scammers operate in dating. It does not mean that most Russian girls are scammers. Most Russian girls are serious and real, but they have their own life, they have to work, they want to sleep at night, they have friends. Scammers are very active, they go to one site and write to all men there, then go to another site and write their messages there and so on. They are first to begin correspondence (that many Russian girls do rather reluctantly and mostly in wink form, as it is considered here more “feminine”). They can communicate with thousands (Russian women work and can’t allow to communicate the whole day, they limit the number), they can communicate with men much older than them (Russian women prefer to write to men not more than 20 years older than them, and if they are 18-25 then usually maximum 10 years older than they).

1. Firstly – beware of a GREAT photo on the site. Do not fool yourself. Having a photo says nothing about it belonging to the person responding. I am asked to verify “these Russian girls” on my scammer site. They were usually men, who made scamming their profession, or who use their mother’s or girlfriends’ real name and surname needed for postal address to receive money through Western Union. There is no way you can know that the name of a woman you get is a Russian girl of 20, but not a Russian woman of 52, who is just asked by her son or neighbor to go and get money in Western Union office from time to time “for his business”. That is the main problem in combating scammers online. While we can place a warning in the scam lists about a name/photo combination being part of a scam, they just find another picture, register another e-mail address, take another name, and they are ready to continue to “work”. Many are men, and they know what men fall for; they know the nature of a man better than any women knows, and they know how to make a man lose his head. But now that you have read this, you will see immediately when a scam begins to unfold before you. You are forewarned, and you are now armed with invaluable information.

2. A scammer tells a lot about honesty – her honesty and that she wants you to be honest. When somebody asks you a question – what are you? You will tell many adjectives and many names, you can say about your optimism, about your faithfulness, about other traits of character. But the word “honest” is more used by dishonest people. Of course, if you somebody asks you about this you can answer that yes, I am honest, but it is not the adjective that comes often to mind without reason. There are two kind of people who use this word – men (in the long answers on my dating site, they write a long text about how honest they are and then write their email what is prohibited by the site’s rules) and women- scammers. Interesting?

2. The next step in the scam is the “direct” approach – to make a man leave the site’s experienced staff, and to begin to write to her private email. (The letter can be large or small, but after some small talk there is an invitation to write to “her” email directly. If you are standing in the street, and a very nice and interesting girl comes to you and invites you to go with her to a dark alley, will you go???? I think, no, at least, not in all cities. you will realize that you have nothing to wait in those dark alleys except problems Of course, if you have talked with the girl face to face; had a walk with her, and began to feel her personality, moods, and nature; if you begin to feel interested in her and to fall in love with her, then yes, you will want to meet with her directly and intimately, kissing and whispering sweet little nothings to each other. However I doubt this will happen on your first meeting, so why should it happen after one letter? ) Scammers understand that if they begin to work their scam in the site’s system or directly on the site, they will be immediately thrown out by the site’s owners and other men warned. So they need to disassociate a man from the site’s staff and focus their attention exclusively on themselves. Another reason for sites like yahoo and American singles is that they pay from fraudulent credit cards and they know that soon they will be found out. Usually they have 2-4 days before it. That’s why scammers so much like sites where just emails of women are sold. They can put a great photos there, their email will be bought by 200 people in several days – and voila 200 potential victims are in their hands (and they can prolong period of communication until they actually ask money for 2-3 months, can you imagine a number of people who will buy their email at these sites for all these days). But scammers have easy life when they place their ads on the Russian dating site where their emails are sold to men. These sites can’t monitor what happens later. They just sell the emails of interesting girls. And when a girl is really beautiful (and scammers can allow themselves to find great photos ) then there can be about 100 sales of this email each day. Can you imagine this great field for work of the scammer.

3. They write standard letters. Exchanging letters with “her” is the next step in the scam. It’s interesting that in the several last cases of detected scam the “girls” wrote to the men that they work as nurses or doctors in clinics, but maybe it is a coincidence and they can invent different professions. I know of a case when a man and a “girl” exchanged 38 letters in 38 days before the next step, so it depends on the case, but would you believe that a doctor or nurse has the time to write letters daily going to Internet café (yes, at home it is much easier but not in Internet café)?

Very often it is a signature that gives them away, because it is always the same. The scammers write to a large number of men. And so they as a rule have standard letters. Yes, scammers from year to year become more personalized, and they answer some of your questions (usually in the first part of each letter or at the end) and then insert their standard part. How can you see it? Their letters are usually not a dialogue. For example, a man writes that he likes diving and describes where he was and how great it was. What will be the normal reaction? Answer in the next letter, that diving is very interesting (or not for her), that she wanted to try it also (or she is afraid of the water and will always admire your from the shore when you dive) and so on. She can ask something about this or about the places you were. Scammers will usually just write that they like you more and more from your letters and learn about you more and more. They do not support themes to talk about, that’s why (as they want you to have an impression of talking with her and learning with her) they have to write lengthy letters about “their everyday life”, about their girlfriends, parents and so on and how they like what you are writing. Analyze the correspondence and you will see.

When I check communication for men (to see if a girls they are communicating with is a scammer or not) interesting to see these cases: a man wrote in his profile his name from a small letter, then in her letter his name is used in the same way (from a small letter, and it seems that it is automatically inserted) or in letters his country or city is never mentioned (everywhere it is written just “I will go to your country, I will go to your city”).

These scammers are good psychologists, and it can depend on the individual they are trying to scam. Interesting but it is often written that she tells all people around her about this man and they all approve her choice (can imagine a mother who approves of her daughter’s choice without even seeing him in person?).

4. The next warning sign is that the “girl” does not want to give you her telephone number. You will be told that yes, she can communicate each day with you over the Internet (or use the Internet at work), but she has no telephone. Yes, they understand that you want to hear her voice, and in many cases, they will take your telephone and call you, but you won’t be able to call her, not at work, and not at home. These calls are often made at inconvenient time so that you won’t be able to talk about something comprehensible. They are made at night or at the time when you are at work, then they leave some incomprehensible words on your auto responder and hand the telephone.

5. Another warning sign is that you will be told about her love for you very quickly in the relationship. You can expect to have an acknowledgement of love already in the second letter. There are cases when real Russian women can do it also (they are tired of loneliness and they have nobody to turn their affection on).

6. So now we are ready for the “close”. The “girl” thinks that you are ready (especially on ICQ where things start to happen very quickly), and she makes her next move. Sometimes she will say that her girlfriend has a man in Spain, Italy or Germany, and this friend went to Spain and met her man there. Then she says that she wants the same trip, but to you. She wants to come to your country “and have two wonderful months alone with you”. What the two of you will do together will be outlined in great detail, including dancing the first evening, and hiking the next day and so on. There is usually a lot of discussion what you will do together, where you will go, how wonderfully you will spend these two months. She will ask what airport is the closest to you so that she could arrive as much as close to you. What man can refuse such an offer?

7. Of course next she asks for the money to go to Moscow, to apply for a visa and buy tickets to the US (or other country). In some cases, she can ask for US$1500, and in some cases she can say that she has half the money and so “only” needs the second half. It will depend on her “budget”. Be aware that IT IS IMPOSSIBLE FOR A RUSSIAN WOMAN TO GO TO USA so easily – COMPLETELY IMPOSSIBLE. That is usually when I come on the scene. Many men have heard about it, and know it well, so when a woman begins to ask for money to be in the US in two weeks, they come to consult with me about possibilities. We usually do the girl’s identity check straight away and find that all of her story is a fake. I have investigated several hundreds such cases, and I am sure that it can’t be a mistake or the girl’s innocence and naiveté. If a girl asks you for money to go to the USA – Do not fool yourself. She is not an innocent and a bit silly girl who does not know the realities of life. She (as a rule, he) is a thief who is after your money. If you offer to come to her and meet her in her home town, she will refuse point blank, and will insist on her coming to you. The more difficult to determine if it is a fake or not when she is going to arrive to a man from Europe or to Asia counties.

And just one warning in the end. When men have not read about scammers at all, they become easily a victim of scammers. When they read a lot about them, they make another mistake, and soon come to the conclusion that all Russian and Ukrainian women are scammers. Scammers are just very active and they use problems in communicating (men wants women to make the first step, women wait for men to begin communicating) and high expectation of men (when a man is 48-55 and wants to find a beautiful Russian woman up to 30 yo ).

Do not talk about scammers to girls all the time. Scammers won’t mind it and will continue to communicate with you, hoping that one day you will change your mind about them, normal girls will stop communicating. Imagine, you receive a letter from a girl , where she says to you: ” I do not trust you and think, that you are a maniac, all men on this site and on other dating sites are maniacs, they just want to kill women, young women, they just want to hang them and cut the inner parts away. Maybe you are all right, but I doubt, you have a face like a killer.” Will you answer such a girl? Or will you go away hoping to find a normal girl without paranoia. Such letters are sent from time to time to girls by “clever” men who think that such competence will frighten the scammers away. When they find out that all girls become frightened and left them, they just think that they got proves that everybody here are scammers (maniacs J).