A new variety of travel and visa scam in Ukraine.

When checking letters that men send me for checking to verify if the lady they are communicating with is a scammer or not, the last two-three months I meet a new variety of travel and visa scam in Ukraine.

It seems that a new scammer group emerged in Ukraine that took a visa and travel scenario that is mostly adopted by Yoshkar-Ola (Mari-El, Kirov) scammers, but bring some additions to it. These additions often mislead men. In general, the scenario is the same. A beautiful Ukrainian woman meets a man on a dating site and begins quickly correspond with him. She quickly fall in love with him. BUT she answers his questions and her letters are rather flexible, not standard like Yoshkar-Ola scammers. The only dangerous sign is the quickness with which she falls in love with a man, and begins to tell all her friends and parents about her “love”. This type of scammers also sends a lot of pictures with all her letters. She also chooses men from 5 years senior to 35 years senior and tells that the age difference is ok for her. Interesting thing that could be noticed recently: many “girls” tell men that they live rather poor, do not have money for mobile or for new clothes, but in the picture you see new and new clothes on them. Usually they have standard part in the letter and the part where they answer questions. They often refused to give a telephone (explaining that it is too expensive for them though it costs much less than any clothes on them in the pictures), they also do not have mobiles. I have met cases when a ” girl” do have given her telephone to a man but with an interesting story that it is her work phone. So a man should phone there, give a code and only after that he was connected to the girl. The code was very big (something like 16535) and her explanation that it is the number of the room where she is sitting was rather poor. I can’t imagine such big building and organization with only one secretary in not big Ukrainian city. In reality, it is the code of the man, so that a “girl” knows how to call him and at what stage they are. After some time they also begin to talk about coming to the man for a visit. And later ask for money for a visa and passport and tickets.

So do not be taken in by this scam. If all other signs are here but the girl answers some questions, do not be taken in. She is a scammer. If you doubt, send me the data for checking.

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